How to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeders

Ants can deter birds from visiting and contaminating the nectar, but you can create a clean and appealing bird-feeding environment with the right tactics. Preventing ants from accessing the sweet hummingbird food requires diligence and sometimes a bit of creativity. 

In this post, we’ll explore how to position your hummingbird feeder strategically, employ practical barriers, and even infuse creativity to deter ants without harming the environment. We aim to make your hummingbird feeding station an inviting and hygienic retreat. As we go through these practical tips, rest assured that we’re not just keeping ants away – we’re preserving the safety of your cherished hummingbirds and maintaining the delicate balance of your garden ecosystem. Let’s dive in!

How to keep ants out of hummingbird feeders

15 Brilliant Ways to Keep Ants Out of Hummingbird Feeders

Many bird enthusiasts grapple with keeping ants away from hummingbird feeders. Fortunately, there are several effective methods to protect your feeder from these persistent insects. From using ant moats to selecting the ideal feeder location, each solution is designed to prevent ants from crawling up and contaminating the nectar that’s meant for the hummingbirds:

1. Move the Feeder Often

Moving the feeder frequently can keep the ants on their toes and prevent them from establishing a trail to the hummingbird nectar. Like bees and wasps, fans of hummingbird nectar may also be deterred by frequently changing the feeder’s location. This method requires bird lovers to be vigilant and ready to adjust the feeder’s position as needed, creating an unpredictable pattern that confuses the ants.

To ensure the nectar remains fresh and appealing, cleaning your feeder thoroughly before each move is crucial. Soak the feeder in a mixture of hot water and a drop of dish soap to loosen any buildup, rinse it well, and wipe it dry. Checking for leaks before filling the feeder will also help keep the nectar contained and less accessible to ants and insects.

2. Install an Ant Moat

An ant moat is a highly effective device to keep ants out of a hummingbird feeder. It creates a barrier that ants won’t cross, similar to a castle with an ant moat. When you choose a feeder with an ant moat or attach one to your existing feeder, you protect your hummingbird feeder from these unwelcome guests. Keeping the ant moat filled with water is essential to maintain its effectiveness.

For those who have yet to purchase an ant guard, it is a worthy investment for any wild bird enthusiast. Not only does it repel ants, but it also provides peace of mind that the sweet nectar is reserved for hummingbirds. Be sure to check the moat regularly and keep it clean to avoid a dry ant moat, allowing ants to cross over and invade the feeder.

3. Use Safe Insecticides

For those who prefer a proactive approach, safe insecticides like a light insecticide called permethrin can be used around the feeder to deter ants. Using these products judiciously and responsibly ensures they do not harm the birds or other wildlife. Lemon juice, for instance, is a natural insect repellent that won’t hurt the hummingbirds but can help keep ants away.

When applying insecticides, focus on the areas where ants are likely to climb or gather. By creating a barrier, you can prevent ants from reaching the feeder and contaminating the nectar. Always follow the manufacturer’s instructions for safe and effective use, and opt for natural and non-toxic options whenever possible.

4. Spot and Stop the Leakage

Effective pest management begins with prevention, and in the case of hummingbird feeders, this means ensuring there are no leaks. A leak-free feeder is less inviting to ants and other pests, making maintaining a clean and attractive feeding station easier. Regular inspections are vital to spotting potential issues before they become a bigger problem.

By promptly addressing leaks, you reduce the likelihood of an ant invasion and contribute to overall pest control in your garden. Ensuring a secure seal and proper feeder maintenance can go a long way in keeping the nectar reserved for hummingbirds, making your bird-watching experience more enjoyable and less troubled by unwanted pests.

5. Keep the Feeder Clean

The presence of ants at hummingbird feeders often indicates that maintenance has lapsed. A clean hummingbird feeder is less likely to attract insects that can spoil the feeding experience for the birds. Regular cleaning helps keep bees away from hummingbird feeders and plays a crucial role in preventing ants from being attracted to the area.

Cleaning should be thorough, removing any sticky residue that might entice ants or insects. Rinsing with hot water and scrubbing all parts of the feeder ensures it stays clean to prevent ants from finding a food source. This practice supports a healthy hummingbird environment and keeps the feeder looking its best.

6. Use an Ant Guard

Implementing an ant guard is another practical solution for those seeking to defend their hummingbird feeders from ant invasions. These devices are designed to block ants from reaching the nectar, providing additional protection in conjunction with other preventative measures. Ant guards come in various forms and can be easily attached to most feeders, making them a versatile and effective tool in the birdwatcher’s arsenal.

How to keep ants out of hummingbird feeders

7. Choose a Shady Spot

Selecting a shady spot for your hummingbird feeder makes it a more pleasant place for birds to visit and can also help deter ants. Ants are less active in cooler, shaded areas, making it less likely for them to discover and invade the feeder. Additionally, the nectar will stay fresher for longer, as it’s not subjected to the degrading effects of direct sunlight.

Moreover, a feeder in the shade reduces the risk of spoilage and fermentation of the nectar, which can attract ants and other pests. A cool, shaded location also provides a respite for hummingbirds from the potential dangers of hypothermia or heat exhaustion during extreme weather, making it a win-win for both the birds and your pest management efforts.

8. Sprinkle Cinnamon

As a natural deterrent, cinnamon can be an effective means to keep ants away from hummingbird feeders. Sprinkling cinnamon near the base of the feeder or on the hanger can create a barrier that ants are hesitant to cross. This spice is safe for birds and can be a non-toxic solution to your ant problem without harming the local ecosystem.

Birdwatchers like Zach Hutchinson advocate using natural methods like cinnamon to balance bird feeding and insect populations in the garden. A light dusting of cinnamon around the feeder not only repels ants but also adds a pleasant aroma to your flower beds, enhancing the overall ambiance of your outdoor space.

9. Use Bay Leaves or Mint Leaves

Bay leaves are a natural ant repellent that can be easily utilized to protect hummingbird feeders. You can create a barrier that repels ants effectively by placing or rubbing bay leaves around the feeder, particularly where the feeder is hanging. The strong scent of bay leaves disrupts the ant’s scent trail and deters them from approaching the sweet nectar.

Another aromatic option is to tie some bay or mint leaves onto the feeder, repelling ants with their potent scent. Planting mint around the feeder can be beneficial for those with a green thumb. Mint seeds can be sown to grow into a thriving herb garden, which keeps ants at bay and adds a pleasant fragrance to the bird-watching experience.

10. Use the Fishing Line to Hang the Feeder

Consider using a fishing line when looking for a way to deter ants from reaching hummingbird feeders. Its thin and slippery nature makes it difficult for ants to grip, preventing them from traveling to the feeder. By hanging your feeder with a clear fishing line from a tree branch, you create a thin ant barrier almost invisible to the human eye, preserving the aesthetic while keeping pests at bay.

Additionally, cleaning your feeder regularly is essential to prevent sticky nectar from creating a bridge for ants to cross. A clean feeder, combined with the fishing line method, serves as a double deterrent for ants, ensuring that hummingbirds can enjoy their meal without unwanted guests.

11. Hang the Feeder Above the Water

Another innovative approach to keeping ants away from hummingbird feeders is a clamp pole design that allows the feeder to be suspended above water. Ants are not adept swimmers, and water forms a natural barrier they cannot cross. By strategically positioning the feeder above a birdbath or other water feature, ants are less likely to reach the nectar.

This method adds a layer of protection against ants and enhances the garden’s aesthetic. The water beneath the feeder can attract more birds and create a tranquil environment for avian visitors and bird watchers alike.

12. Try Some Essential Oils

Essential oils can play a dual role in pest management and creating an environment that attracts hummingbirds. Certain oils, such as lavender and lemongrass, are known to repel insects, including ants. Applying a few drops of these oils around the feeder can keep ants away without harming the birds.

Moreover, while essential oils repel unwanted pests, they do not detract from the feeder’s allure to hummingbirds. The subtle fragrances may contribute to an inviting atmosphere for these delightful creatures, enhancing the bird-watching experience without the interference of ants.

13. Make the Feeder Oily or Slippery

Creating a slippery surface on the feeder’s hanger or pole can prevent ants from reaching the nectar. Applying a light coat of cooking oil or petroleum jelly to these areas makes it difficult for ants to maintain their grip and climb to the feeder. However, care must be taken to ensure that the substance used does not come into contact with the feeding ports to avoid contaminating the nectar or harming the birds.

This simple method is a quick and effective way to reduce ant intrusions. It’s important to reapply the substance periodically, especially after rain or heavy dew, to maintain its effectiveness. Birdwatchers can enjoy observing hummingbirds without the nuisance of ants competing for the sugary treat.

14. Don’t Use Feeders with Yellow Accents

While yellow accents on feeders may be visually appealing, they should be avoided as yellow attracts wasps and can also lure ants. Wasps and ants are attracted to yellow, mistaking it for flower petals or ripe fruit. You can reduce the likelihood of attracting these pests by choosing feeders without yellow accents.

Selecting feeders that appeal to hummingbirds and other birds is more beneficial without making them a target for ants. Red, for instance, is a color known to attract hummingbirds, and using feeders with red accents can draw these birds while keeping ants from coming. This simple color choice can make a significant difference in bird-watching enjoyment.

15. Try Adhesive Tape

Adhesive tape can be wrapped around the feeder’s hanger or pole with the sticky side facing out to create a barrier that ants won’t cross. As ants attempt to climb toward the feeder, they become stuck to the tape, preventing them from reaching the nectar. This method is easy to implement and can be replaced regularly to maintain effectiveness.

However, caution should be exercised to ensure that the tape does not pose a risk to the hummingbirds or other wildlife. By carefully positioning the tape away from the feeding ports and perches, birdwatchers can protect the feeder from ants while ensuring the birds’ safety.

How to keep ants out of hummingbird feeders

How to Make Natural Ant Repellants?

To keep ants out of a hummingbird feeder, birdwatchers can create natural ant repellants instead of harsh chemicals. Whether you purchase an ant moat to add to an existing feeder or prefer to craft a homemade solution, several effective and environmentally friendly options are available to repel ants and maintain a pleasant bird-watching experience.

Glass Cleaner and Liquid Detergent

A glass cleaner and liquid detergent can be used to create a homemade ant repellent. By spraying this solution around the feeder, ants are deterred from approaching. The glass cleaner makes the surface slick, while the detergent breaks down ants’ scent trails, making it difficult for them to navigate.


Peppermint is a natural ant deterrent with a strong scent that confuses ants and masks their scent trails. Planting peppermint around the area where the feeder is located or applying peppermint oil to the feeder’s hanger can effectively repel ants and keep the nectar safe for hummingbirds.

Borax (Sodium Tetraborate)

Borax, a sodium tetraborate, can be used as a natural ant-repellent. A solution made from borax and water can be applied around the base of the feeder pole or the area where the feeder is hung, creating a boundary that ants are hesitant to cross. Caution should be used to avoid placing borax where it might come into contact with pets or wildlife.

Food-Grade Diatomaceous Earth

Food-grade diatomaceous earth is a natural, non-toxic powder that can be sprinkled around the hummingbird feeder’s base to repel ants. The fine powder is harmless to birds but lethal to ants and other crawling insects, as it absorbs the oils in their exoskeletons, causing dehydration.

Orange Peel

Orange peel contains natural oils that repel ants. By placing pieces of orange peel around the feeder’s base or hanging them near it, the citrus scent is a natural deterrent, keeping ants away from the sweet nectar that attracts hummingbirds.

Cayenne Pepper

Ants have a natural aversion to spicy substances, and cayenne pepper is no exception. One can create an effective barrier by sprinkling a ring of cayenne pepper around the base of the hummingbird feeder stand or on the ground beneath it. The pepper’s pungent scent and irritating properties deter ants from crossing, thus protecting the nectar from their reach. Ensure that the pepper does not contact the feeder to avoid deterring the hummingbirds.


Cloves are another natural repellent that can keep ants away from hummingbird feeders. Their pungent smell is unappealing to ants, making them an excellent choice for safeguarding the sweet nectar. You can discourage ants from invading by placing whole cloves around the feeder or hanging small sacks with cloves near them. This method is effective and safe for the birds and adds a pleasant aroma to the feeding area.

Baking Soda and Powdered Sugar

A mixture of baking soda and powdered sugar can be a homemade ant poison-safe around hummingbird feeders. The sugar attracts the ants, while the baking soda, being toxic to them, eliminates them. To use this method, mix equal parts of both ingredients and place them in small caps or containers near the feeder’s base. The ants are drawn to the sugar but will consume the baking soda as well, which will help to control the ant population.


In conclusion, ensuring that hummingbird feeders remain free of ants requires a multi-faceted approach. Placing feeders in a shady spot can reduce the attraction of ant colonies seeking warmth and food. Regular feeder cleaning is essential to prevent the sugary residue that ants find irresistible. Sometimes, the simplest solutions, like moving the feeder regularly, can disrupt the scent trails ants leave for their fellow foragers.

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